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Can Montessori Be Taught At Home?

Can Montessori Be Taught At Home?

You have almost certainly come across ample resources regarding the Montessori method of instruction. It is much discussed and has developed a very devoted following thanks to, at least in part, its emphasis on experiential learning.

This hands-on approach to learning helps with kinesthetic learners, of course, but it is also a significant means of teaching children to be self-reliant. It shows them how to actually do things themselves, rather than just teaching them information to memorize.

This is crucial for building self-confidence and also for creating individuals who are organized, intrinsically self-motivated and, perhaps above all else, independent thinkers, learners and doers.

Can Montessori Be Taught At Home?

Montessori can absolutely be taught at home. In doing so, you can ensure that it transfers all its usual benefits to your child.

All of the Montessori methods are easily replicable in a home environment. All that is needed is some effort toward the preparation of an appropriate environment for interaction at the literal level of a child, along with the purchase of Montessori materials.

The Learning Environment

Perhaps the most important step in creating a good environment for the successful teaching of your child at home using the Montessori method is ensuring that everything is accessible to your child. This means that everything needs to be placed at the child’s level.

This includes having low shelves and shelving units so that students are capable of accessing and caring for their own learning materials. They will see them and understand their importance, and they can get them and replace them on their own.

This applies to resources such as textbooks and workbooks, but also to toys such as blocks and puzzles and other objects used in the learning process.

Additionally, you want to have small stools easily accessible in some key areas. This is particularly important near sinks in both the restrooms and kitchen. This allows your child to find solutions to issues, such as those related to height.

It also enables the child to combat these difficulties on his or her own, teaching a valuable lesson about self-sufficiency and overcoming obstacles.

Teach Skills Aimed At Real Life

Finally, you must emphasize the teaching of real-life skills. This includes children accessing their own materials and also cleaning up after themselves.

They can also wash and maintain their spaces, such as their own small table and chair set. There is often also a focus on them doing other things for themselves, such as preparing their own meals (with guidance from an adult, of course).

Thinkamajigs offers high-quality, value-priced Montessori tools with certified non-toxic paints and finishes. We offer a great selection of musical instruments, which you can view in our catalog here. We also offer a wide selection of Montessori teaching materials, educational toys, games and puzzles. We ship anywhere in North America. Contact us for more information.

9th Oct 2017 Thinkamajigs